video link: watch Making

Yuko Ueno    

Installation & Stage Art / Director / Writer / Choreographer

Performer as Clown

------- Cast & Credit --------

Marco Hall     Fashion Designer/Butterfly Queen (Performer)

Genesis Love   Mr Hat (Performer)

Bianca           Miss Lamp (Performer)

Kei Fusato      Hair Designer

Yuko Goto      Make-up Arist

Dina Romanko   Umbrella Design


Music Mix by   DJ Asahi

Photo by   Tokio Kuniyoshi
B&W Photo by   Kenji Mori

Produced & Directed by

Yuko Ueno’s Magical Butterfly

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Video Link:  Watch Performance on You Tube

Cast & Credit



                                Yuko Ueno

Butterfly Queens Marco & Jewrel


Dancing Tree Yuko Ueno

Makeup         Jewrel / Yuko 

Hair Design Kei Fusato



Photo by   Tokio Kuniyoshi

Produced & Directed by

Yuko Ueno’s Magical Butterfly

                                                                          (c) copyright 2011 Yukoueno All Right Reserved

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