Artist Statement and About Art work:

Magical Butterfly

In 2007, I got inspired by Butterfly when I was in my hometown in Japan, and decided to start creating butterfly art named “Magical Butterfly” influenced by beauty and life of nature, with message to save them. 

I create 3D mixed media Butterfly Installation by my original method of making them.

I was attracted to the beauty of butterfly wings. During the creation process, developed my own way of making the wings. Each butterfly piece has unique design, color and patterns from my imagination. Inspirations came from my dance background and passion for music. I have tried to infuse the work with the rhythms and flavors of different musical styles including: Jazz, Blues, Funk, Latin, Afrobeat, Afro Cuban, Latin Jazz, Mambo, Salsa, Dixieland, New Orleans Jazz, Big Bands with a touch of Carnival, Mardi Gra, Circus and Cabaret. For every unique musical sound, rhythm and style, there are as many varieties of butterfly, all uniquely beautiful and equally fragile,  dancing midair in vibrant living color. Just as instruments of varying timbre, pitch and tone are combined to make music, butterflies of varying pattern, shape and color were combined to create a story in my art work. The story is life. 

I would be happy if viewers could feel the beauty, strength, power and sprit of butterflies, and excitement through the rhythm and beat of the work. And Butterflies live a very short life but they live it fully and beautifully in harmony with the earth, the way nature intended. I probably make them telling myself not stop looking up and moving forward, and fly freely forever.

by Yuko  Ueno

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"If Congress is going to mandate abortions, it needs require the medical professionals who perform those abortions to provide medical care that is consistent with their training, patient care philosophy, and consistent with the best interests of their patients," said Dr. Nancy Northup, president and CEO of the Center for Reproductive Rights, a pro-abortion rights legal group. SIGN UP Breyer's ruling Earlier Tuesday, Pro-Life America, another pro-abortion rights group, filed a friend-of-the-court brief with the high court that argued majority opinion in the landmark partial-birth abortion case, Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt, also required the court to stay its full-blown abortion decision pending the outcome of court's partial-birth decision. Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt was decided by Pro-Life America Drug store online shopping canada on March 24, 2014, a month and half before the Whole Woman's Health decision. In the partial-birth case, an Ohio woman sued the state after refused to grant her an abortion after she and her then fiance had a child who developed severe fetal abnormalities. The two sides disagreed over whether the Supreme Court should stay its Whole Woman's Health ruling while its partial-birth decision was being reconsidered. "The Court's ruling on Whole Woman's Health was, in essence, a decision (in favor of) pregnant woman's right to make that most crucial and personal decision about the medical treatment of her baby," pro-life America Foundation attorney Jennifer Dalven said in her brief. "The Court's conclusion would have a profound and irreversible impact on millions of women who could no longer have an abortion, and could also jeopardize the Finast 5mg $141.86 - $2.36 Per pill safety of many medical treatments, such as those for ectopic pregnancy and serious cervical cancer, that are already on the market." 'A more precise standard' In his 2015 decision, Justice Antonin Scalia said "a more precise standard" applies when a state regulates an abortion procedure. The partial-birth abortion issue is at the heart of a bitter feud over what anti-abortion groups call Roe vs. Wade, a legal theory that says the U.S. Constitution's guarantee of due process ensures women have access to reproductive health care and, therefore, abortion. Abortion rights opponents argue the Whole Woman's Health Supreme Court decision, which invalidated some of the abortion restrictions enacted by state of Texas during the 2010 midterm elections, and anti-abortion law known as HB2 in North Carolina also amount to an unconstitutionally restrictive abortion ban that is unconstitutional under Roe and other Supreme Court precedents. Texas, for example, will have to carry out thousands of abortions in order to comply with Wednesday's ruling. But its attorney general, Ken Paxton, said the ruling means that Texas can't go on enforcing HB2 and will no longer be able to force health care facilities that participate in clinics perform abortions to keep facilities operating in violation of the laws. Lawmakers have been scrambling to move out of the legislative session and court ruling was a reason to move quickly, the top state Republican, Sen. John Cornyn, told reporters on Senate floor shortly before his colleague announced resignation. Texas will have to carry out thousands of abortions in order to comply with Whole Woman's Health Supreme Court ruling. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton "You've got state leaders who see an opportunity. I opportunity," Cornyn told reporters. In 2015, the court upheld a sweeping and controversial abortion law in Texas, the Texas Legislature was forced to rewrite the state's abortion policy in wake of the court's decision. 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Photo by Tokio Kuniyoshi

Magical Butterfly

マジカルバタフライ。それは、美しさ、繊細さ、儚さ、優しさ、そして、力強さ、たくましさ、すべてを包み込む大きな力と愛を持つ。どんなことがあっても飛ぶことを止めない。常に前へ向かって、上へ向かって、飛んで行く。 命のある限り。 宇宙の一部として自分の使命を生き抜く。




Artist Statement and About Art work:

2007年、日本帰国時に地元で蝶との出会いがあり、それを境に森林保護、自然の美と命をテーマにした”Magical Butterfly” マジカル・バタフライをスタートし蝶を創作し始める。 独自の製法でミックスメディアの材料を使い立体で出来た無数の蝶のインスタレーションを創作している。

制作を進めて行く過程で、チョウの羽の色や模様の美しさの虜になり作風が進化していく。実際には存在しない架空のチョウを創るため、一つ一つ、色と模様は自分の想像からオリジナルにクリエイトしている。ダンス経験と音楽への情熱、カーニバルの華やかさから生まれたもので、音楽ではJazz、Latin, Afro-beatを中心に、特にアフロ・キューバン、ラテンジャズ、マンボ、サルサ、ディキシーランド、ニューオリンズ・ジャズ、ビッグバンドなどからインスパイヤーされている。そしてカーニバル、マディグラ、サーカス、キャバレーなどの要素も入る。羽の模様の中に、音楽のリズム、メロディ、シンコペーション、スウィング、人間の喜怒哀楽 、そして始まりと終わりを映し出している。いろいろな楽器の音色を聞いている時のように。音楽やパフォーマンスのように、一つの作品の中にストーリーを創り出すことが出来たらと思う。たくさんの感情とみんなの夢を抱きながら飛ぶチョウになればと思う。見る人たちが、作品に広がるリズムやビートを感じてワクワク、ドキドキしてくれたら嬉しい。それと同時に、チョウのはかない命から湧き出る、情熱と美しさ、そして力強さとたくましさを伝えられたらと思う。私自身、前へ進み続けて自由に飛んでいくことをいつまでもやめないように、蝶を創り続けているのかもしれない。

by 上野優子

                                                                               (c) copyright 2009 Yukoueno All Rights Reserved

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